MAN. These cookies are good. I originally made keto chocolate-chip cookies a few years back (you can find the recipe here ) and those were GREAT. But that recipe was more of a crispier cookie that spread more..I hadn’t quite got the texture right yet and was still playing around with the type and ratio of low-carb flour I used. BUT THESE ONES. I feel like I have finally opened the gates to chocolate heaven. These came out chewy, soft, buttery and NOT CRUMBLY. This was a total win in my books. A coworker even said “If you left these on a plate with a cup of tea, I could easily devour 10 of them!” Also, these have a lovely story to go along with them.. As I was baking these cookies, just chilling in my PJs, our apartment building fire alarm went off..and of course, me baking, I thought I set it off somehow so I start panicking and run downstairs. lol.. Turns out, there was an actual fire going on in the floor above us. Every...